Iron deficiency

Iron deficiency is surprisingly common and if left untreated can lead to a wide variety of effects on your body. Symptoms of iron deficiency may initially be subtle and mild however can become more profound, impacting on your quality of life, sporting performance and recovery after surgery.

If you suffer from extreme fatigue, tiredness, difficulty concentrating, hair loss and/or any of the symptoms listed below you could have Iron Deficiency and should check your ferritin level now.
Send us the result and we will check for iron deficiency free of charge  

Symptoms of Iron Deficiency include:

  • Extreme fatigue, feeling tired all the time 
  • Reduced fitness and lack of energy 
  • Insomnia or excessive sleeping
  • Hair loss  
  • Irritability  
  • Cold hands and feet
  • Depression, low mood
  • Headaches 
  • Dizziness  
  • Brittle or spoon shaped nails 
  • Difficulty concentrating 'brain fog'
  • Restless leg syndrome and/or calf cramps
  • Tinititus (Ringing in your ears)
  • Increased frequency of of infections
  • Cracks or ulcers in your mouth
  • Sore tongue and dry mouth
  • Pica (abnormal food cravings  e.g. ice cubes, chalk, paper)
  • Noticeable heartbeats or palpitations 
  • Shortness of breath
  • Looking pale [Anaemia: lack of red blood cells]  

Symptoms may worsen as the iron deficiency becomes more severe which can lead to reduced mobility, increased risk of developing infections reduced exercise tolerance and increased risk of falls.
This can be exacerbated by other medical conditions such as chronic inflammatory conditions, heart and kidney disease and diabetes as well as during and after pregnancy.
Iron deficiency and anaemia can reduce oxygen delivery to vital tissues and the ability to reach peak fitness or VO2Max. This can have an impact on your physical strength affecting general fitness and competitiveness in sport.  

Iron deficiency can impact on recovery after surgery, causing delayed wound healing, reduced mobility and slower return to previous level of fitness.